OHM BeadsOHM is a diverse team of designers and dreamers, poets and programmers, who live, work and play in the Great American Northwest in Seattle WA – home to coffee freaks and computer geeks, healers and greens, orcas and tulips, farmers markets and slow food. Nestled in our raincoats, this vitamin D deprived crew creates quirky, provocative and whimsical beads for bracelets, chains, necklaces and other accessories. Fueled by coffee and talent, OHM’s designers create stunning collections that appeal to everybody without trying to please everybody, putting their hearts into each and every piece, and thriving on experimentation and risk. At OHM, we go where our inspiration takes us, communicating all along the way with our fans on social networks, who often become that inspiration. Talk to us at @OhmBeads – we promise that you will be heard! Tell us how much you love a piece, or how we could have made it even better. OHM invites you to experience the beauty in our world, share the beauty in your world, and become a part of the OHM Family at #Ohmily! 
 Bead Sensation is an authorized dealer of OHM Beads.

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